To be notified directly about upcoming group coaching and prompt groups, join my mailing list.

Prompt Group

A black quill laying on an old fashioned notebook next to an ink bottle.The prompt writing group is geared towards anyone looking to add a little creative writing into their life. Whether you're a novelist, a poet, a short story writer, or a dabbler, this group is great for kickstarting your creativity and providing you with dedicated writing time.

At the meetings, members have twenty minutes to write something based on a given prompt (a short sentence or phrase). This is followed by the option to share what we've written. We typically do two prompts per meeting. Each group meets once a week for six weeks.

Registration is closed. The next Morning Prompt Group will start in September. The group typically meets online on Wednesdays from 9:30-11am eastern.

Registration is closed. The next Evening Prompt Group starts in September. The group meets online on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm eastern.

November Daily Prompt Writing Group

This specialized prompt writing group is designed to get you through National Novel Writing Month. Members will get daily email prompts along with weekly meetings will help you get to 50,000 words and beyond. At the meetings we will discuss our projects in a supportive and inclusive environment, and of course we'll also do some prompt writing.

This groups gets you 35 prompts, 5 meetings, and the support of a professional writing coach. Registration is now closed. Check back in October for registration information.

Group Coaching

A group of four kittensFor people who want help staying on track with their writing progress. Members write independently and the meetings function as a deadline. We share our work, report on progress, discuss our writing hurdles, and set goals to be met for the next meeting.

Group coaching has eight meetings over fifteen weeks with email check-ins on off weeks.

Registration is closed. The next Group Coaching session will start in September. The group meets online every other Tuesday from 7-8:30pm eastern.

One-on-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching is a super flexible service. It’s just about whatever you need it to be. My goal as a coach is to help you write a novel, to empower you, and to provide you with the tools you’ll need to actually get that idea on paper.

This type of coaching is custom-built. Every author has a different approach to writing and one-on-one coaching strives to accommodate whatever style or approach you take. Email me at to discuss starting one-on-one coaching.